Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya ingin menceritakan tentang penulisan ilmiah (PI) saya. Pada penulisan kali ini, saya membuat tulisan tentang Augmented Reality. Yang dimana Augmented Reality tersebut merupakan teknologi dalam bidang komunikasi dan informasi yang menggabungkan benda-benda maya dua dimensi atau tiga dimensi kedalam dunia nyata tiga dimensi secara real time dengan system yang menggunakan bantuan perangkat keras yaitu kamera (webcam).
Pada penulisan ini saya membuat "interior apartement" ke dalam augmented reality. Yang dimana bertujuan untuk menghasilkan objek tiga dimensi berupa miniatur yang akan digunakan dalam pemasaran apartement. Dan bisa digunakan para investor property dan provider property dalam memperkenalkan produk mereka dengan augmented reality.
Dalam pembuatan augmented reality, saya menggunakan software SketchUp 8 dalam pembuatan objek tiga dimensinya dan ARmedia Maker Plugin untuk augmented realitynya.
Sekian dan terima kasih.
Jumat, 28 Juni 2013
Minggu, 09 Juni 2013
Tugas Softskill (Pengantar Teknologi Game)
Nama : Parlin Erwin Gunawan
NPM : 54410322
Kelas : 3IA15
Tugas : Pengantar Teknologi Game (Processing)
//Codingan Snake:
//Variables pertaining to the fundamental functioning
final int SCREEN_SIZE = 600; //Size of the screen (Codingan untuk ukuran size windows)
PFont font; //Font used in the game
int score = 0; //Score of the player
int rainbowFreq = 10, rainbowTimer = rainbowFreq; //Rainbow timers
PVector rainbowColor = new PVector(255, 255, 255); //The color of the rainbow color
boolean pauseState = false; //If the game is paused or not
boolean showInstructionMenu = true; //If the instruction menu should be shown
int superModeTimer = 0, superModeMax = 15, chanceOfSuperMode = 10; //If supermode is on
//Variables pertaining to the segments
ArrayList<Segment> segments = new ArrayList<Segment>(); //Creates an arraylist holding the segments
char currentDirection, lastDirection; //The current direction of the snake head
int segmentSize = 20; //Size of the segment
int snakeMovementTimer = 0, snakeMovementDelay = 4; //The timers for the snake's movement
boolean addSegmentNextUpdate = false; //If a segment should be added at the next update
//Variables pertaining to the food
Food food = new Food(); //Creates a new food
SuperFood superFood = null; //Creates the superfood
void setup() { //Main method
size(600, 600, JAVA2D); //Creates a screen
font = loadFont("FranklinGothic-MediumCond-48.vlw"); //Loads the font from the data folder
textAlign(CENTER); //Aligns text to the center
textFont(font, SCREEN_SIZE/25); //Sets the text font
segments.add(new Segment(SCREEN_SIZE/2, SCREEN_SIZE/2)); //Adds the head of the snake
void draw() { //Continual loop
if(!pauseState) rainbowTimer++; //Increments the rainbow color timer
if(rainbowTimer >= rainbowFreq) { //If the time for color change
rainbowColor = new PVector(random(255), random(255), random(255)); //Changes it to a random color
rainbowTimer = 0; //Resets the rainbow timer
if(!pauseState) snakeMovementTimer++; //Increments the snake movement timer if not paused
if(snakeMovementTimer == snakeMovementDelay) { //If the time for movement has come
updateSnake(); //Update the snake
snakeMovementTimer = 0; //Reset the timer
if(superModeTimer >= 0) superModeTimer--; //Decrements the super timer
if(superFood == null && superModeTimer < 0 && !pauseState && !showInstructionMenu)
if(random(1000) < chanceOfSuperMode) superFood = new SuperFood();
#(Codingan untuk background)
background(0); //Sets the background to black
for(int i = 0; i < segments.size(); i++) //Checks each segment
segments.get(i).renderSegment(); //Renders the segment
food.renderFood(); //Renders the food
if(superFood != null) superFood.renderFood(); //Renders superfood if it is not null
fill(255); //Colors white
text("Score: " + score, SCREEN_SIZE/2, segmentSize*6/5); //Writes the score for the player
if(pauseState) { //If the game is paused
fill(0, 0, 0, 100); //Fills a translucent black
noStroke(); //Cancels the stroke
rect(0, 0, SCREEN_SIZE, SCREEN_SIZE); //Cover the screen with a transluscent black
fill(255); //Colors white
text("Game Paused", SCREEN_SIZE/2, SCREEN_SIZE/2);
text("Press 'P' To Continue", SCREEN_SIZE/2, SCREEN_SIZE/2 + segmentSize*6/5);
} else if(showInstructionMenu) { //If the instruction menu is shown
text("Use The Arrows To Move", SCREEN_SIZE/2, SCREEN_SIZE*3/4);
text("Press 'P' To Pause", SCREEN_SIZE/2, SCREEN_SIZE*3/4 + segmentSize*6/5);
void keyPressed() { //Called when a key is pressed
switch(keyCode) { //Checks the key pressed
case UP: if(segments.size() == 1 || lastDirection != 'S' && !pauseState) currentDirection = 'W'; break; //Changes direction to up
case DOWN: if(segments.size() == 1 || lastDirection != 'W' && !pauseState) currentDirection = 'S'; break; //Changes direction to down
case LEFT: if(segments.size() == 1 || lastDirection != 'D' && !pauseState) currentDirection = 'A'; break; //Changes direction to left
case RIGHT: if(segments.size() == 1 || lastDirection != 'A' && !pauseState) currentDirection = 'D'; break; //Changes direction to right
case 'P': case 'p': pauseState = !pauseState; break; //Toggles the pause
showInstructionMenu = false; //Take off the instruction menu
void updateSnake() { //Updates the snake's position
if(addSegmentNextUpdate) //If must add a new segment
segments.add(new Segment((int)segments.get(segments.size() - 1).location.x, (int)segments.get(segments.size() - 1).location.y)); //Adds a segment at the tail
for(int i = segments.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) { //Checks each segments besides the head
if(!addSegmentNextUpdate) segments.get(i).location = new PVector(segments.get(i - 1).location.x, segments.get(i - 1).location.y); //Sets the location to the block ahead
addSegmentNextUpdate = false; //Removes the need to add a new segment
#(Codingan untuk menggerakkan snake)
switch(currentDirection) { //Checks the current direction
case 'W': segments.get(0).location.y -= segmentSize; break; //Moves the snake head up
case 'S': segments.get(0).location.y += segmentSize; break; //Moves the snake head down
case 'A': segments.get(0).location.x -= segmentSize; break; //Moves the snake head left
case 'D': segments.get(0).location.x += segmentSize; break; //Moves the snake head right
lastDirection = currentDirection; //Sets the last direction used as the current direction
for(int i = 2; i < segments.size(); i++) //Checks each segment besides the head
if(superModeTimer < 0 && segments.get(i).location.x == segments.get(0).location.x && segments.get(i).location.y == segments.get(0).location.y) //If a segment hits the head
startNewGame(); //Starts a new game
if(segments.get(0).location.x >= SCREEN_SIZE || segments.get(0).location.x < 0)
if(superModeTimer >= 0) segments.get(0).location.x = (segments.get(0).location.x >= SCREEN_SIZE) ? 0 : SCREEN_SIZE - segmentSize;
else startNewGame();
if(segments.get(0).location.y >= SCREEN_SIZE || segments.get(0).location.y < 0)
if(superModeTimer >= 0) segments.get(0).location.y = (segments.get(0).location.y >= SCREEN_SIZE) ? 0 : SCREEN_SIZE - segmentSize;
else startNewGame();
#(codingan untuk new game)
void startNewGame() { //Starts a new game
superFood = null; //Nullifies the super food
score = 0; //Resets the score
segments.clear(); //Clears all segments
segments.add(new Segment(SCREEN_SIZE/2, SCREEN_SIZE/2)); //Adds the head of the snake
snakeMovementTimer = 0; //Reset the timer
currentDirection = 'Q'; //Nullifys the current direction
keyCode = '+'; //Nullifys the keyCode
food = new Food(); //Resets the food
showInstructionMenu = true; //Show the instruction menu
//Codingan untuk Food:
class Food { //Class for food
PVector location; //Location of the food
Food() { //Creates a new food
this.location = new PVector((int)random(SCREEN_SIZE/segmentSize)*segmentSize, (int)random(SCREEN_SIZE/segmentSize)*segmentSize); //Sets food location to a random location
void renderFood() { //Renders the food
fill(255, 0, 0); //Fills red
stroke(255); //Borders with white
rect(this.location.x, this.location.y, segmentSize, segmentSize); //Draws the food
if(!pauseState && this.location.x == segments.get(0).location.x && this.location.y == segments.get(0).location.y) { //If the head of the snake is on the food and the game is not paused
food = new Food(); //Moves the food
addSegmentNextUpdate = true; //Adds a segment
score++; //Increments the score
//Codingan Untuk Segment:
class Segment { //Class for segments
PVector location; //Location of the segment
Segment(int locationX, int locationY) { //Creates a new segment with the specified properties
this.location = new PVector(locationX, locationY); //Sets the location of the segment
void renderSegment() { //Renders the segment
if (superModeTimer < 0) fill(255); //Fills white
else fill(rainbowColor.x, rainbowColor.y, rainbowColor.z); //Fills rainbow
stroke(255); //Borders with white
rect(this.location.x, this.location.y, segmentSize, segmentSize); //Draws the segment onto the screen
//Codingan untuk Super Food:
class SuperFood extends Food {
void renderFood() {
fill(rainbowColor.x, rainbowColor.y, rainbowColor.z); //Fills rainbow
stroke(255); //Borders with white
rect(this.location.x, this.location.y, segmentSize, segmentSize); //Draws the segment onto the screen
if(!pauseState && this.location.x == segments.get(0).location.x && this.location.y == segments.get(0).location.y) { //If the head of the snake is on the food and the game is not paused
superModeTimer = superModeMax * 60;
superFood = null;
game ini butuh sekali keahlian dalam hal kecepatan tangan, agar snake tidak menabrak diri sendiri sehingga tidak game over dan game ini berpacu dalam waktu untuk mendapatkan score tertinggi.
NPM : 54410322
Kelas : 3IA15
Tugas : Pengantar Teknologi Game (Processing)
//Codingan Snake:
//Variables pertaining to the fundamental functioning
final int SCREEN_SIZE = 600; //Size of the screen (Codingan untuk ukuran size windows)
PFont font; //Font used in the game
int score = 0; //Score of the player
int rainbowFreq = 10, rainbowTimer = rainbowFreq; //Rainbow timers
PVector rainbowColor = new PVector(255, 255, 255); //The color of the rainbow color
boolean pauseState = false; //If the game is paused or not
boolean showInstructionMenu = true; //If the instruction menu should be shown
int superModeTimer = 0, superModeMax = 15, chanceOfSuperMode = 10; //If supermode is on
//Variables pertaining to the segments
ArrayList<Segment> segments = new ArrayList<Segment>(); //Creates an arraylist holding the segments
char currentDirection, lastDirection; //The current direction of the snake head
int segmentSize = 20; //Size of the segment
int snakeMovementTimer = 0, snakeMovementDelay = 4; //The timers for the snake's movement
boolean addSegmentNextUpdate = false; //If a segment should be added at the next update
//Variables pertaining to the food
Food food = new Food(); //Creates a new food
SuperFood superFood = null; //Creates the superfood
void setup() { //Main method
size(600, 600, JAVA2D); //Creates a screen
font = loadFont("FranklinGothic-MediumCond-48.vlw"); //Loads the font from the data folder
textAlign(CENTER); //Aligns text to the center
textFont(font, SCREEN_SIZE/25); //Sets the text font
segments.add(new Segment(SCREEN_SIZE/2, SCREEN_SIZE/2)); //Adds the head of the snake
void draw() { //Continual loop
if(!pauseState) rainbowTimer++; //Increments the rainbow color timer
if(rainbowTimer >= rainbowFreq) { //If the time for color change
rainbowColor = new PVector(random(255), random(255), random(255)); //Changes it to a random color
rainbowTimer = 0; //Resets the rainbow timer
if(!pauseState) snakeMovementTimer++; //Increments the snake movement timer if not paused
if(snakeMovementTimer == snakeMovementDelay) { //If the time for movement has come
updateSnake(); //Update the snake
snakeMovementTimer = 0; //Reset the timer
if(superModeTimer >= 0) superModeTimer--; //Decrements the super timer
if(superFood == null && superModeTimer < 0 && !pauseState && !showInstructionMenu)
if(random(1000) < chanceOfSuperMode) superFood = new SuperFood();
#(Codingan untuk background)
background(0); //Sets the background to black
for(int i = 0; i < segments.size(); i++) //Checks each segment
segments.get(i).renderSegment(); //Renders the segment
food.renderFood(); //Renders the food
if(superFood != null) superFood.renderFood(); //Renders superfood if it is not null
fill(255); //Colors white
text("Score: " + score, SCREEN_SIZE/2, segmentSize*6/5); //Writes the score for the player
if(pauseState) { //If the game is paused
fill(0, 0, 0, 100); //Fills a translucent black
noStroke(); //Cancels the stroke
rect(0, 0, SCREEN_SIZE, SCREEN_SIZE); //Cover the screen with a transluscent black
fill(255); //Colors white
text("Game Paused", SCREEN_SIZE/2, SCREEN_SIZE/2);
text("Press 'P' To Continue", SCREEN_SIZE/2, SCREEN_SIZE/2 + segmentSize*6/5);
} else if(showInstructionMenu) { //If the instruction menu is shown
text("Use The Arrows To Move", SCREEN_SIZE/2, SCREEN_SIZE*3/4);
text("Press 'P' To Pause", SCREEN_SIZE/2, SCREEN_SIZE*3/4 + segmentSize*6/5);
void keyPressed() { //Called when a key is pressed
switch(keyCode) { //Checks the key pressed
case UP: if(segments.size() == 1 || lastDirection != 'S' && !pauseState) currentDirection = 'W'; break; //Changes direction to up
case DOWN: if(segments.size() == 1 || lastDirection != 'W' && !pauseState) currentDirection = 'S'; break; //Changes direction to down
case LEFT: if(segments.size() == 1 || lastDirection != 'D' && !pauseState) currentDirection = 'A'; break; //Changes direction to left
case RIGHT: if(segments.size() == 1 || lastDirection != 'A' && !pauseState) currentDirection = 'D'; break; //Changes direction to right
case 'P': case 'p': pauseState = !pauseState; break; //Toggles the pause
showInstructionMenu = false; //Take off the instruction menu
void updateSnake() { //Updates the snake's position
if(addSegmentNextUpdate) //If must add a new segment
segments.add(new Segment((int)segments.get(segments.size() - 1).location.x, (int)segments.get(segments.size() - 1).location.y)); //Adds a segment at the tail
for(int i = segments.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) { //Checks each segments besides the head
if(!addSegmentNextUpdate) segments.get(i).location = new PVector(segments.get(i - 1).location.x, segments.get(i - 1).location.y); //Sets the location to the block ahead
addSegmentNextUpdate = false; //Removes the need to add a new segment
#(Codingan untuk menggerakkan snake)
switch(currentDirection) { //Checks the current direction
case 'W': segments.get(0).location.y -= segmentSize; break; //Moves the snake head up
case 'S': segments.get(0).location.y += segmentSize; break; //Moves the snake head down
case 'A': segments.get(0).location.x -= segmentSize; break; //Moves the snake head left
case 'D': segments.get(0).location.x += segmentSize; break; //Moves the snake head right
lastDirection = currentDirection; //Sets the last direction used as the current direction
for(int i = 2; i < segments.size(); i++) //Checks each segment besides the head
if(superModeTimer < 0 && segments.get(i).location.x == segments.get(0).location.x && segments.get(i).location.y == segments.get(0).location.y) //If a segment hits the head
startNewGame(); //Starts a new game
if(segments.get(0).location.x >= SCREEN_SIZE || segments.get(0).location.x < 0)
if(superModeTimer >= 0) segments.get(0).location.x = (segments.get(0).location.x >= SCREEN_SIZE) ? 0 : SCREEN_SIZE - segmentSize;
else startNewGame();
if(segments.get(0).location.y >= SCREEN_SIZE || segments.get(0).location.y < 0)
if(superModeTimer >= 0) segments.get(0).location.y = (segments.get(0).location.y >= SCREEN_SIZE) ? 0 : SCREEN_SIZE - segmentSize;
else startNewGame();
#(codingan untuk new game)
void startNewGame() { //Starts a new game
superFood = null; //Nullifies the super food
score = 0; //Resets the score
segments.clear(); //Clears all segments
segments.add(new Segment(SCREEN_SIZE/2, SCREEN_SIZE/2)); //Adds the head of the snake
snakeMovementTimer = 0; //Reset the timer
currentDirection = 'Q'; //Nullifys the current direction
keyCode = '+'; //Nullifys the keyCode
food = new Food(); //Resets the food
showInstructionMenu = true; //Show the instruction menu
//Codingan untuk Food:
class Food { //Class for food
PVector location; //Location of the food
Food() { //Creates a new food
this.location = new PVector((int)random(SCREEN_SIZE/segmentSize)*segmentSize, (int)random(SCREEN_SIZE/segmentSize)*segmentSize); //Sets food location to a random location
void renderFood() { //Renders the food
fill(255, 0, 0); //Fills red
stroke(255); //Borders with white
rect(this.location.x, this.location.y, segmentSize, segmentSize); //Draws the food
if(!pauseState && this.location.x == segments.get(0).location.x && this.location.y == segments.get(0).location.y) { //If the head of the snake is on the food and the game is not paused
food = new Food(); //Moves the food
addSegmentNextUpdate = true; //Adds a segment
score++; //Increments the score
//Codingan Untuk Segment:
class Segment { //Class for segments
PVector location; //Location of the segment
Segment(int locationX, int locationY) { //Creates a new segment with the specified properties
this.location = new PVector(locationX, locationY); //Sets the location of the segment
void renderSegment() { //Renders the segment
if (superModeTimer < 0) fill(255); //Fills white
else fill(rainbowColor.x, rainbowColor.y, rainbowColor.z); //Fills rainbow
stroke(255); //Borders with white
rect(this.location.x, this.location.y, segmentSize, segmentSize); //Draws the segment onto the screen
//Codingan untuk Super Food:
class SuperFood extends Food {
void renderFood() {
fill(rainbowColor.x, rainbowColor.y, rainbowColor.z); //Fills rainbow
stroke(255); //Borders with white
rect(this.location.x, this.location.y, segmentSize, segmentSize); //Draws the segment onto the screen
if(!pauseState && this.location.x == segments.get(0).location.x && this.location.y == segments.get(0).location.y) { //If the head of the snake is on the food and the game is not paused
superModeTimer = superModeMax * 60;
superFood = null;
game ini butuh sekali keahlian dalam hal kecepatan tangan, agar snake tidak menabrak diri sendiri sehingga tidak game over dan game ini berpacu dalam waktu untuk mendapatkan score tertinggi.
Review Zombiewood – Game Zombie Shooter Yang Menghibur
Di Indonesia, Halloween memang tidak dirayakan secara besar-besaran seperti di Amerika atau negara-negara lain di Eropa. Tapi paling tidak kamu bisa merasakan efeknya lewat game yang ada di App Store. Hampir semua game yang bertema horror mengadakan promo diskon besar-besaran. Bahkan ada game baru yang bertema horror juga, yang sengaja dirilis menjelang Halloween dan game Zombiewood dari Gameloft ini adalah salah satunya.
Game Zombiewood menceritakan tentang Kota Los Angeles yang sudah hancur akibat wabah zombie. Lucunya walaupun kota Los Angeles sudah dikuasai zombie, sebagian orang yang masih hidup justru memanfaatkan zombie-zombie itu untuk membuat film dan tentu saja actor dari film itu adalah kamu sendiri. Tapi walaupun ini film tetapi zombienya asli!
Karena game Zombiewood ini bergenre dual stick shooter, maka tentu saja kamu akan disediakan kontrol yang menyerupai dual joystick dalam game ini. Joystick sebelah kiri kamu gunakan untuk berjalan, sedangkan joystick sebelah kanan digunakan untuk menembak. Kabar baiknya, peluru yang kamu gunakan tidak terbatas sehingga kamu bisa menembak sebanyak-banyaknya tanpa takut harus membeli amunisi tambahan.
Tetapi seperti biasa, kesulitan dari game Zombie bukan dari amunisi yang tidak terbatas melainkan dari jumlah kawanan zombie yang sangat banyak. Sehingga terkadang kamu akan kesulitan berjalan dan menembak jika kamu sudah dikelilingi oleh kawanan zombie. Ini bisa menjadi berita baik atau buruk, jika kamu mencari tantangan maka game yang satu ini bisa dibilang cukup hardcore tapi casual player mungkin akan sedikit kewalahan dengan jumlah zombie yang sangat banyak.
Setiap stage dalam game ini sama dengan 1 film. Jadi ketika kamu menyelesaikan 1 stage yang terdiri dari 4-6 level didalamnya, berarti kamu juga sudah menyelesaikan 1 film. Setiap levelnya memiliki challenge sendiri-sendiri. Misalnya saja, kamu diharuskan untuk membunuh 100 zombie, menyelesaikan 1 level kurang dari 2 menit dan ada juga challenge untuk menyelamatkan seorang gadis dari kebakaran.
Setiap kamu menyelesaikan sebuah challenge, maka kamu akan diberi hadiah berupa roll film. Roll film ini berguna untuk membuka stage berikutnya. Misalnya saja stage 2 yang baru bisa kamu unlock jika kamu sudah memiliki 11 buah roll film. Score sempurna bisa kamu dapatkan jika berhasil menyelesaikan semua challenge yang ada di setiap level yang kamu mainkan. Jika tidak berhasil menyelesaikan semua challenge dalam sekali bermain, kamu tetap bisa mengulang level itu kok.
Setiap zombie yang kamu bunuh, akan menghasilkan experience dan koin untuk kamu. Koin itu bisa kamu kumpulkan untuk mengupgrade dan juga membeli senjata baru yang damage nya lebih besar. Sayangnya, ada beberapa senjata yang tidak bisa dibeli dengan koin melainkan hanya dengan uang kertas yang hanya bisa dibeli lewat IAP dengan harga yang cukup mahal.
Selain senjata, ada juga beberapa power up tambahan yang bisa kamu gunakan. Power Up yang disediakan pun cukup beragam, mulai dari resurrection, gergaji listrik dan juga kampak yang ukurannya sangat besar. Sayangnya, lagi-lagi kebanyakan dari Power Up yang disediakan itu, hanya bisa kamu beli dengan menggunakan uang kertas yang dibeli lewat IAP.
Tetapi jika kamu memang enggan menggunakan IAP, kamu tetap bisa mengumpulkan koin-koin untuk membeli senjata yang lebih bagus dan power up dengan waktu yang lebih lama tentunya. Walaupun demikian, game Zombiewood harus diakui masih tergolong game yang worth to play. Dengan harganya yang gratis, kamu bisa memainkan game ini dengan kualitas grafis dan sound yang sangat baik. So, game Zombiewood memang game yang cukup menghibur kalau dimainkannya memang hanya untuk mengisi waktu luangmu.
Pastikan mainkan game ini sampai tamat yaaa..
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